Beehive inspection: B-GOOD apiary near Peso da Régua, Portugal

Photo: B-GOOD apiary near Peso da Régua

This beautiful montage from the B-GOOD apiary near Peso da Régua captures the steps and procedures B-GOOD researchers go through when they open a colony on a regular visit.

Featuring Nuno Capela and Sandra Simões from the University of Coimbra, the video shows step by step how to dismantle the beehive, inspect the colony and reassemble the hive. It also highlights the equipment used in an investigation apiary, such as the BEEP scale, temperature sensor, accelerometer etc.

There are 8 mini-apiaries distributed in Europe (UK, Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Romania, Belgium and Portugal), with 8 study colonies in each. These colonies are equipped with the BEEP system and will be monitored during three consecutive years (2020-2023).

You can watch the video here.